
Google Scholar Profile

In Preparation

  • [02] Houndegnonto O. J., Fenty, I. and Fournier, S. (2024), Thermohaline preconditioning for sea-ice formation in the Beaufort Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research Letter (in pre.)
  • [01] Houndegnonto O. J., Kolodziejczyk, N., Maes, C., Bourlès, B., Dobler, D., Grima, N., & Reul, N (2024), Upper Ocean staircases thermohaline stratification of far field Congo freshwater plume. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. (in pre.)

Peer Reviewed Publication

  • [03] Houndegnonto O. J., Fournier, S., Fenty, I. G., Steele, M. and Pacini, A (2024), Assessment of SMOS and SMAP salinity in the framework of SASSIE in situ measurements in the Arctic Ocean. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. (under review)
  • [02] Rousseau, V., Fraudeau, R., Hammond, M., Houndegnonto, O. J., Ablain, M., Blazquez, A., Calafat, F. M., Desbruyères, D., Foti, G., Llovel, W., Marti, F., Meyssignac, B., Restano, M. & Benveniste, J., (2023), Monitoring the regional Ocean Heat Content change over the Atlantic Ocean with the space geodetic approach. Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. [preprint],
  • [01] Houndegnonto, O. J., Kolodziejczyk, N., Maes, C., Bourlès, B., Da-Allada, C. Y., & Reul, N. (2021), Seasonal variability of freshwater plumes in the eastern Gulf of Guinea as inferred from satellite measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC017041.

Selected Presentations

  • [13] Ocean Salinity Conference 2024
    ESA ESTEC, Noodwijk, The Netherlands - May 13-16, 2024.
    Houndegnonto O. J., Fournier, S., Fenty, G. I., Steele M. and Pacini A.
    Assessment of SMOS and SMAP Sea Surface Salinity against SASSIE In Situ Measurements in the Arctic Ocean (as Poster).
  • [12] Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024
    New Orleans Convention Center, U.S.A - February 18-23, 2024.
    Houndegnonto O. J., Fournier, S., Fenty, G. I., Steele M. and Pacini A.
    Assessment of SMOS and SMAP Sea Surface Salinity against SASSIE In Situ Measurements in the Arctic Ocean (as speaker).
  • [11] Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024
    New Orleans Convention Center, U.S.A - February 18-23, 2024.
    S. Misra, M. Ogut, S. T. Brown, A. Akins, S. Fournier, I. G. Fenty, O. J. Houndegnonto, D. C. Vandemark & S. Shellito: Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Of Cold-Water Sea-Surface Salinity: Future Instrumentation And Techniques (as Poster).
  • [10] JPL Postdac Research Day 2023
    NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - JPL, Pasadena, CA, U.S.A - November 29, 2023.
    O. J. HOUNDEGNONTO, S. Fournier and I. G. Fenty,
    Assessment of SMOS and SMAP Sea Surface Salinity against SASSIE In Situ Measurements in the Arctic Ocean (as Poster).
  • [9] 4DAtlantic - OHC (Ocean Heat Content) project: Mid Term Review
    Magelium company site, Toulouse, France - September 22 - 23, 2022.
    O. J. HOUNDEGNONTO, W. Llovel and D. Desbruyères,
    4DAtlantic-OHC v0.4 validation against in situ observations in the Subpolar North Atlantic (as speaker).
  • [8] Ocean Salinity Conference 2022
    Columbia University, New York, US - June 6 - 9, 2022.
    O. J. HOUNDEGNONTO N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, B. Bourlès, D. Dobler, C. Y. Da-Allada & N. Reul,
    On the formation of thermohaline stratification off Congo River plume (Poster).
  • [7] Sea Level Workshop 2022
    Brest, France - June 1st, 2022.
    O. J. HOUNDEGNONTO, W. Llovel and D. Desbruyères,
    Full-depth temperature and salinity contribution to regional sea level changes in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre during 2002-2018 from repeat hydrographic transects (as speaker).
  • [6] Physical oceanography workshop on Tropical Atlantic Climate and Coastal Variability
    TACCOVAR 2021, Cotonou, Benin - Sept. 27th, 2021.
    O. J. HOUNDEGNONTO, N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, B. Bourlès, D. Dobler, C. Y. Da-Allada & N. Reul,
    On the formation of thermohaline stratification off Congo River plume (as speaker, on line).
  • [5] Physical oceanography workshop on Tropical Atlantic Climate and Coastal Variability
    TACCOVAR 2019, Cotonou, Benin - Sept. 26th, 2019.
    O. J. HOUNDEGNONTO, N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, B. Bourlès, C. Y. Da-Allada & N. Reul,
    Seasonal variability of Congo and Niger Rivers plumes in the Gulf of Guinea (as speaker).
  • [4] Summer School on Fluid Dynamics of Sustainability and the Environment
    École Polytechnique de Paris Saclay, Palaiseau, France (July 1- 12, 2019)
    O. J. HOUNDEGNONTO, N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, B. Bourlès, C. Y. Da-Allada & N. Reul,
    Seasonal variability of Congo and Niger Rivers plumes in the Gulf of Guinea (Poster).
  • [3] Living Planet Symposium 2019 Conference (LPS19)
    Milano, Italy (May 13 - 17, 2019)
    O. J. HOUNDEGNONTO, N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, B. Bourlès, C. Y. Da-Allada & N. Reul,
    Seasonal variability of Congo and Niger Rivers plumes in the Gulf of Guinea (as speaker).
  • [2] European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019
    Vienna, Austria (April 10th, 2019)
    O. J. HOUNDEGNONTO, N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, B. Bourlès, C. Y. Da-Allada & N. Reul,
    Seasonal variability of Congo and Niger Rivers plumes in the Gulf of Guinea (as speaker).
  • [1] Ocean Salinity Sciences Conference 2018
    Sorbonne University, Paris, France (November 8th, 2018)
    O. J. HOUNDEGNONTO, N. Kolodziejczyk, C. Maes, B. Bourlès, C. Y. Da-Allada & N. Reul,
    Characterization of Niger and Congo rivers plumes in the Gulf of Guinea (as speaker).

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Porto-Novo, Benin Benin Africa